Hey y'all. Hope you're enjoying a nice long weekend.
I was going to be lazy (who, me?) and leave it at that (because honestly, Lynn did such a nice recap AND she even cut a video of the steeking adventures) but I'll go just a bit beyond my lazy inclination and share some cool things we happened upon:
:: We were lucky enough to sit beside Ted, who made
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BLANKET EVER. He used 10 skeins of Icelandic unspun to create a blanket that is at once lofty and light but snuggly and warm. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
:: On the other side of us (we were the middle in an awesome sandwich), sat the lovely
Robin Ulrich. Her
patterns are beautiful -- and I'm determined to make Greyhaven hats and cowls and boot toppers this Christmas.
:: For a better SSK (slip, slip, knit) - try this method: Slip the first stitch as if to knit, slip the second stitch as if to purl, then knit the two together. The result? The second slip is hidden neatly behind the first. Technical gems tossed out all day long at knit camp!
:: If you ever flip out at a sewing machine when you're lining up your steek, Lynn is a very good person to have beside you and finish up the job. Really, I'm not a theatrical person, but I started to sweat and get dizzy when I put the needle down in my knitting. Lucky for me, Lynn got the job done. She also always has a chocolate bar tucked away for emergencies.