Thursday, March 8, 2012

'I wandered lonely as a cloud'

Grasmere - taken February 2012

As a little adventure while in Liverpool, I hopped on a train with several routes and back-up plans in hand and travelled to Windermere in the Lake District. I will admit that I was about 97 per cent positive that I would get terribly lost.

After passing through lovely and lush green villages, I arrived and caught a local bus that drove through several sweet little towns all the way up to Grasmere. Little daffodils were peeking out -- just as I hoped for the true Wordsworth experience.

St. Oswald's Church

Sarah Nelson's gingerbread shop

I bought some delicious gingerbread and wandered through the town until I stumbled upon this sweet little shop called Herdy. Isn't that just the sweetest face? I think so too.

Look at these sweet girls decked out in their finery!

 I hopped back on the bus as dusk was falling and felt a little sad to be leaving so soon. Luckily, I was sitting near some kids happily chatting about the Muppets movie and that made me smile.

A very nice day indeed :)

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